原知史, "SrTiO3中刃状転位近傍の非調和振動性がフォノン熱伝導に与える影響", 日本熱電学会誌, 19[2], pp. 71-72. (2022)

山田高広、山根久典、菅野雅博、吉矢真人、高津浩、陰山洋、池田拓史、永井秀明らの研究グループ, "物質の熱伝導率を低減させる新機構を発見ー高性能な熱電材料開発の新たな指針にー" (https://resou.osaka-u.ac.jp/ja/research/2022/20221226_1

Bin Feng, Jiake Wei, Naoya Shibata, Yuichi Ikuhara, , "Atomistic grain boundary migration in Al2O3", International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science, 5 (1) (2023) e10169 (https://doi.org/10.1002/ces2.10169

J.Wu , D. Yang, J.Liang, M.Werne, E. Ostroumov, Y. Xiao, K.Watanabe, T.Taniguchi, J. I. Dadap, D.Jones, Z.Ye ,, "Ultrafast response of spontaneous photovoltaic effect in 3R-MoS2–based heterostructures", Sci. Adv. 8, eade3759 (2022) (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ade3759)

Prashant Ghediya(北海道大学) , "Electric Field Thermopower Modulation Analyses of Effective Channel Thickness of Amorphous InGaO3(ZnO)m Thin Film Transistors", The 29th International Display Workshops (IDW ’22) Outstanding Poster Paper Award

楊卉(北海道大学), "Electric Field Thermopower Modulation Analyses of Transistor Characteristics of High-mobility In-Sn-Zn-O Thin Film Transistors", The 29th International Display Workshops (IDW ’22) Best Student Paper Award

Yuta Aoki, Hiroshi Masuda, Hidehiro Yoshida, "Fabrication of Al2O3-GAP eutectic ceramics with fine anisotropic microstructure by flash event and deformation behavior", The 5th International Symposium on Long-Period Stacking Order Structure and Mille-feuille Structure (LPSO/MFS2022)  Best Poster Award

浅野秀斗、丹羽 健、河口沙織、佐々木拓也、長谷川 正, "新規高圧相マンガン窒化物の相安定性及び圧縮挙動", 第63回高圧討論会 ポスター賞受賞

H. Yusa, H. Fujihisa,, "Dense structure of yttriumnNitride as a post-rock-salt phase: High-pressure experiments and computations,", Inorg. Chem., 61 (51) (2022) 20906-20912 (http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c03317

T. Sasaki, T. Yamamoto, S. Asano, K. Niwa, M. Hasegawa,, "High-pressure synthesis and crystal structures of molybdenum nitride Mo3N5 with anisotropic compressibility by a nitrogen dimer,", Dalton Transactions, 52, (2022) 469-475, (http://doi.org/10.1039/D2DT03433F